
About Us

Active Anklebiters is a local sports coaching business which aims to provide fun-filled and affordable sport related classes and parties to children aged 2-5 years.

As well as introducing children to the world of sport, the activity programme is specifically designed to help children develop their co-ordination, balance and control within a safe environment.

The Active Anklebiter Activity Programme runs in blocks of sport specific classes which include Rugby, Basketball, Football, Athletics and more!

In these classes the children learn to develop their fundamental key skills through the selected sport as well as learning how to play fairly and to socialise with other toddlers.

The Programme is ongoing with weekly classes so you and your child are welcome to join in the fun at any time throughout the year.

Places are limited and so must be booked in advance. Find your nearest class on the Find and Book Classes section.

If you are looking to join our programme please take a minute to familiarise yourself with session Guidelines.

Weekly Classes

These weekly sessions are open to children aged 2-5 years old and require a grown-up to be present during all sessions. During the classes, expect to be just as involved as your Anklebiter by helping them to improve their throwing, catching, jumping and kicking throughout the weeks.

Our primary aim is enjoyment however your child will learn about colours, numbers, co-ordination and balance. As well as working with a grown-up, children will be encouraged to work independently and in teams to help develop their social skills.

Support and encouragement is required from grown-ups at all times as positivity is the key to progression!

Activity Camps

Our increasingly popular Activity Camps run from 10am-2pm during the School Holidays. They are open to children from 4-8 years old and are just £10 per day!

Currently camps are run in Annan at Violetbank Rugby Pitches where we have the opportunity to use the outdoor space for our activities. Children have the chance to experience a variety of different sports such as Rugby, Football, Tennis, Cricket, Dodgeball and much more.

All your Anklebiter will need on the day is sensible footwear, waterproof clothing and a packed lunch.

I look forward to seeing some more Anklebiters soon!