Active Anklebiters > Terms & Conditions


These Terms & Conditions shall be deemed to be accepted by the Parent/Guardian once the box is ticked on the Registration/Booking Form and confirmation of payment of Fees has been received by Active Anklebiters.

You consent to us collecting your personal interest data, as well as more general data. Active Anklebiters will use this to check that we are marketing to the correct base of people and not for any other reason.

You are expected to treat Active Anklebiter coaches, facilities and equipment with respect and failure to do this may result in your booked classes being terminated with immediate effect and without refund.

Active Anklebiter classes are non-transferable and therefore cannot be used up by siblings, friends or any other child other than the named child on the registration/booking form.

Active Anklebiters may cancel the booking contract at any time before the Participant commences a block for any reason whatsoever. Active Anklebiters shall not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation but will refund fees paid for the remaining classes in the block.

Active Anklebiters may cancel a class at any time before the class is due to commence. Active Anklebiters shall not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation but will either refund or reschedule the amount paid for the class.


By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions the Parent/Guardian agrees not to share any aspects of the Active Anklebiter Activity Programme with a third party who may be involved in a business that operates in the same market as Active Anklebiters.

The Parent/Guardian will not take, replicate or use any Active Anklebiter material directly or indirectly for his/her own use or for use by any third party.

Parent/Guardian Obligation

The Parent agrees that the information provided on the registration/booking form is accurate and up to date in all respects at the point of booking. Any changes will be sent by the Parent/Guardian to Active Anklebiters immediately.

It is the Parent/Guardians responsibility to inform Active Anklebiters of any special medical conditions at the point of booking. This includes behavioural disorders.

The Participant and/or Parent/Guardian must not attend any class whilst suffering from any serious illness or contagious disease or anything similar.

During all classes the Parent/Guardian agrees and accepts the sole responsibility, general conduct and care for the participant during the class and whilst on the premises.

Active Anklebiter does not allow the Parent/Guardian to leave the participant for any amount of time before, during or after a class.

Active Anklebiters shall have the sole right to exclude the participant and/or Parent/Guardian either permanently or for such period as Active Anklebiters shall (in its entire discretion) determine if deemed necessary for the safety and well-being of other participants or Parents/Guardians

Limitation of Liability

The Parent/Guardian agrees that any claim made against Active Anklbiters will be made in writing within 30 days of the incident taking place and failure to report in writing within this time will negate any such claim.

The maximum aggregate liability for Active Anklebiters to the participant, parent and/or Guardian will not exceed the fees.

Neither Active Anklebiters nor any coach, coaches assistant nor any employee or other representative accepts responsibility in respect of loss, damage or expense incurred by a participant, parent and/or Guardian arising directly or indirectly or in any way connected with the attendance of the participant, parent and/or Guardian at classes (or any class) or any other act or omission on the part of Active Anklebiters, its coaches, coaches assistants, employees and/or representatives.

Fees & Payment

The parent shall pay the fees for the block to Active Anklebiters prior to the participant commencing a block.

The fees are not refundable in any circumstances whatsoever other than with the written consent of Active Anklebiters.